VOM’S Global Ministry

Stand with Persecuted Christians
Today, you can stand with persecuted Christians in the world's most difficult and dangerous places to follow Christ. Gifts to VOM's Global Ministry support all ministry needs and help our persecuted Christian family with food, clothing, shelter, and even Bibles.

Additional Giving Opportunities

Other ways to give

  • Donate by Phone

    Call 800-747-0085 to make a donation by phone. A Voice of the Martyrs staff member will assist you and answer any questions you may have about your contribution.

  • Donate by Check

    Donations via check or money order may be given by mail. Please make donations payable to “The Voice of the Martyrs” and indicate any designations on the memo line.

    1815 SE Bison Road
    Bartlesville, OK 74006

  • Donate by Gift of Stock

    To read more about electronic transfers and mail instructions, or contact us directly about giving stock, go to vom.org/stockgifts.

  • Donate by Non-Cash Gifts

    Learn more about giving vehicles, cryptocurrency, and other non-cash gifts at VOM Legacy.